Parenting Coordination

Parenting Coordination (PC), where there is parental conflict can have a positive and significant benefit to your children.

What is Parenting Coordination?

It is a child focussed process that will assist parents with co-parenting after final court orders are made or a parenting plan is agreed.

A Parenting Coordinator will work with parents (where were appropriate and necessary with associated parties such as step-parents, grandparents) to reach agreements, resolve conflicts, implement strategies to improve communication.

What does a Parenting Coordinator do?

  • Provide education and coaching in communication strategies, conflict resolution and anger management;
  • Mediate on-going disagreements and conflict, ultimately treaching them how to make decisions toegether and reduce conflict;
  • Work with parents to reduce children’s exposure to conflict.

How Does Parenting Coordination Benefit our children?

By embracing what you learn by engaging with a parenting coordinator, you can greatly benefit your children. Having an amicable co-parenting relationship with the other parent can result in children who:

  • have a more relaxed home atmosphere, allowing them to adjust to post separation arrangements or changes in arrangements;
  • Are less stressed due to reduced parental conflict;
  • are more confident and have greater self esteem.

How Do I benefit?

  • You will learn skills regarding anger management, communication and conflict resolution skills and children issues during divorce;
  • Reduce conflict with the other party;
  • Greater compliance with Orders or Parenting Plans and less conflict surrounding those.

How Much does it cost?

  • Parents will usually share equally in the cost of all communications with the Parenting Coordinator;
  • Our costs for PC can be found on our fees page.
  • PC can reduce and often eliminate much of a lawyer’s involvement that often occurs with ongoing parental conflict, saving the parents time and money.

Carmel is a trained Parenting Coordinator and a member of Parenting Coordination Australia (PCA) who is based in Townsville.